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Reset function ?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:15 pm
by ludovicrouy
Any news about this helpfull function since 2009 request ?

I use Cinema 4D in a sandbox but it become very huge and now have no choice to delete it and reinstall the software but its time consuming, could you have a better option than the copy paste trick (lot of small files are long to copy) to reinstall software ?

My suggestion : a snapshot of files and only changed one could be restored is it doable ?

Thanks and like others, i like to claim that sandboxie is a great tool !

Re: Reset function ?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:43 pm
by Craig@Invincea
Thanks for the comments!

Invincea, inc purchased Sandboxie in 2013...

as for a "reset"..No, that's something we're not considering.

You're looking more into a VM environment, which SBIE is not.

SBIE sandboxes are temporary storage and should not be used for long term. If you like a program that's running in the sb, and it works well, it should be then installed on your host machine.

Re: Reset function

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:52 am
by mihzaha
I registered specially for this topic (original question: ... =6&t=22861).
I have been using something like a reset function for over 2 years now and it works flawlessly:

Let's say you want a reset function for a sandbox called "web" located in "D:\Sandboxie\web". Sandboxie is installed in "C:\Program Files\Sandboxie"

Create an empty directory "web_backup" in "D:\Sandboxie\", so now you have tow directories in "D:\Sandboxie":
"D:\Sandboxie\web" and

Create a bat file (ex: "save_web.bat") and place it anywhere.
inside save_web.bat place the contents:

Code: Select all

rmdir D:\Sandboxie\web_backup  /s /q
robocopy /e /copyall D:\Sandboxie\web D:\Sandboxie\web_backup 
Also create a .bat file "restore_web.bat" with the contents:

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\start.exe" /box:web /terminate
"C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\start.exe" /box:web delete_sandbox
robocopy /e /copyall D:\Sandboxie\web_backup D:\Sandboxie\web 
Install everything you need inside the web sandbox.
When you are happy with the state of the sandbox right click "save_web.bat" and run as administrator. A cmd window should pop and display some copying files (about a minute or so). When done it closes.

When you want to revert to the original state, just right click "restore_web.bat" and run as administrator. In a minute the sandbox should be back to the state when it had the new programs installed.

You can even make modifications: restore -> install additional software -> save.

I haven't restored a sandbox in more that 100 days and worked perfectly. I just received a message that I should delete the contents as it has been active for more than 30 days. Also, I haven't deleted a sandbox from two years ago, just restored it, and works like new :)

Re: Reset function ?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:19 pm
by ludovicrouy
Thanks a lot for your answer, I think that would be helpfull,

I've bought sanboxie because i don't want to take time to reinstal softwares on host even if they work correctly in sandboxie because its time consuming.

In the case of C4D, there is another reason, its my personnal licence and i don't want to share it with other people in my workplace so when i disconnect my USB Key, I know that none could use it anymore.

So thanks again mihzaha ;)