This is likely due to something related to the email software check I have never understood inside SBIE. [I don't use them myself]
Have you set up the box you are going to run it in (the reg file was set to DefaultBox) up for the email reader in the Sandbox Settings > Applications > Email Reader ?
Let me know if not and I'll set up a VM to test it with though why not just use the Forced Program option?
Also, how did you launch it when that popped up?
Update: This whole email software check is horrible. Why is this one particular class of software treated differently than any other when they all use files and registry entries just like the rest?
It simply does not start without the process name. (
BLOCKED by SBIE itself) eg If I just copy the entire template to the sandboxie.ini and paste it to a box then remove the thunderbird.exe, & thunde~1.exe parts I get the same error.
Code: Select all
Tmpl.Thunderbird=%Local AppData%\Thunderbird
OpenFilePath=thunderbird.exe,%Local AppData%\Thunderbird
OpenKeyPath=thunderbird.exe,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\*\Mozilla Thunderbird*
OpenKeyPath=thunderbird.exe,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird*
OpenFilePath=thunde~1.exe,%Local AppData%\Thunderbird
OpenKeyPath=thunde~1.exe,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\*\Mozilla Thunderbird*
OpenKeyPath=thunde~1.exe,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird*
but this doesn't:
Code: Select all
Tmpl.Thunderbird=%Local AppData%\Thunderbird
OpenFilePath=%Local AppData%\Thunderbird
OpenKeyPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\*\Mozilla Thunderbird*
OpenKeyPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird*
OpenFilePath=%Local AppData%\Thunderbird
OpenKeyPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\*\Mozilla Thunderbird*
OpenKeyPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird*
Renaming Thunderbird.exe to NotEmail.exe works however....
Renaming notepad.exe to thunderbird.exe results in the same block without the template containing the name.
Please either improve or simply remove
this horribly implemented check, or at least the
related internal block. What is the point? What have I missed?
At this point I guess renaming the thunderbird.exe and updating the .reg entries to the renamed file might be the best bet for you Creave though using ForcedProgram with the registered version of sandboxie would still be far more ideal/certain.