Searching on these commands in manual gives precise definitions on how to use them. I can't find anything on the site or Forum on the why and when of using them. So, here goes ...
Would it be fair to say that RecoverFolder is appropriate only when you have to visually examine what may make its way to the real hard drive? Could you make a guideline that this would apply primarily in situations where files may be placed into a directory/folder by a process not entirely under the user's conscious control?
For example, is there any point in causing purposefully downloaded files to go first to the sandbox, and then "Recovering" them to their permanent location, as a separate step? Or, would this always be more simply handled by "punching a hole in the sandbox" with an OpenFilePath statement? Any security disadvantage to this, or is this a good principle to follow?
These questions are coming up as I manually edit the Sandboxie.ini file and am faced with chosing between the two. Where proper program functioning would be interfered with, after a sandbox is "dumped," without allowing all writes a program want to make, to become permanent, the choice is easy. Here, RecoverFolder would be clearly inappropriate.
In other cases, I would like some guidelines as to when to choose which. Can this be boiled down into three or four rules, hopefully from someone with more experience than I, in the program's workings and effects?
Deep thoughts: OpenFilePath vs. RecoverFolder
So, would your personal reason be that even after you've purposefully downloaded some files from an online source, you feel it is most seure to double-check before anything is permanently written to your hard drive? And, you personally believe it is better to reserve "punching holes in the sandbox" only for situations where it is absolutely essential for proper functioning of some program?
Does this correctly interpret your reply, or am I going in the wrong direction?
Does this correctly interpret your reply, or am I going in the wrong direction?
Sorry for the slow response. Like I said before, this is just my personal preference. Sometimes I download stuff but later I change my mind and don't actually want to keep that around. By simply not recovering them, I don't have a need to delete them later.
It isn't about security because I know that even if I punch a hole on a C:\Downloads folder (for example), this hole can't be used to pollute my system (other than that particular folder).
But really, I don't know what to suggest for you as the better way. Maybe try both ways, see what feels more comfortable.
It isn't about security because I know that even if I punch a hole on a C:\Downloads folder (for example), this hole can't be used to pollute my system (other than that particular folder).
But really, I don't know what to suggest for you as the better way. Maybe try both ways, see what feels more comfortable.
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