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[.03] Command Line /wait Parameter Doesn't Work
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:01 pm
by sycondaman
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise
Sandboxie Version: 4.04 64-bit
This is a relatively freshly installed machine with UAC disabled.
I opened a command prompt to C:\Program Files\Sandboxie and executed the following command to test:
Start.exe /wait cmd.exe
The result was an opened command prompt but Start.exe returned immediately.
Let me know if you can repro or have any debugging ideas, thanks!
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:37 pm
Doesn't work for me. It was recently that I tried /wait with a box designation, can't work it with or without.
CHDIR /D "%ProgramFiles%\Sandboxie"
".\Start.exe" /wait /box:DefaultBox "%ComSpec%" /T:6E /E:ON /V:ON /K "%CHOICE%"
".\Start.exe" /box:DefaultBox /wait "%ComSpec%" /T:E6 /E:ON /V:ON /K "%CHOICE%"
ECHO echo echo
To sidetrack, pasting that into a cmd prompt sometimes spat the following error for one missing console:
SBIE2205 Service not implemented: ConsoleInit (C00000D4)
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:02 am
by tzuk
Thanks for pointing it out. Will be fixed in version 4.05.03.
Remember that you also need the built-in Start command to wait for Start.exe if you want completely sequential execution.
Code: Select all
start /wait Start.exe /wait cmd.exe
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:44 am
Thanks. And it all works as expected if BOXED.
"%ComSpec%" /E:ON /V:OFF
SET "SbieExec=START "" /WAIT "%ProgramFiles%\Sandboxie\Start.exe" /wait"
PUSHD path common to the following programs
%SbieExec% /box:DefaultBox "%ComSpec%" /T:6E /E:ON /V:ON /K "%CHOICE%"
%SbieExec% /box:DefaultBox "%ComSpec%" /T:E6 /E:ON /V:ON /K "%CHOICE%"
ECHO echo echo
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:00 am
by tzuk
And with version 4.05.03 that I just released, it should once again work outside the sandbox.
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:55 pm
by sycondaman
Thanks so much!