Can the Sandboxie program itself be installe twice... at the same time.. two independant locations... with each instance having their possibilities of multiple sandboxes... and be runned independanlty ..or run concurrently on the same PC ??
Thanks for the inputs...
new registered user..
Can Sandboxie be installed twice...
street011 wrote:i don't think that would work, as sandboxie uses a driver and a service, they'd have to have different names.
why would you want that anyway?
you can just configure a second sandbox with different settings
Thanks for the reply I thought. .......I am a "amator" VB6 programmer" playing with dangerous actice X things protected in a safe- hidden- access protected area of my PC. This Hidden part runs everything in Sandboxes. The snadboxie program is itself installed in that hidden part... so if I do not delete on every exit.. I still remains safe. ( MyGrand-children can play on my PC and I do not fear.)
Recently I felt the need to access all webs into sandboxes... even when not fooling around with dangerous code. which means my hidden_vb would remain locked...
So, I will think of installing Sanboxie differently then...
Thanks again..
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