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Four year user and counting!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:42 pm
by Andrew
Thank you so much for the use of your excellent product! I can not imagine returning to the frustration I experienced years ago while trialing software I found on line while surfing. I have NOT experienced ONE issue with your program in these last four years. I have found my system locking up after being attacked as well as every imaginable bug giving it a go- BUT and this is the big but...I simply hit terminate process in the system tray and delete the sandbox and my system is returned to a pristine condition in about two seconds flat. I was running a 32 bit system all those years and have yet to experience the 64 bit version. Thank you for detailing your concerns with the 64 bit version. Would you consider creating a version for use in linux? The linux community is waiting for a person of your talent to lead in this area. Thank you, thank you, thankyou!