Then, do both "Recoveries" work on the same list of files, in the window I mentioned? My first reaction would be, if you're using "Immediate" there's no need to check "Quick" because the "Quick" would never find anything. Is that how you use it, one or the other, or both at the same time?
No, you only use one at a time. If you dont use immediate recovery, then you'll have to use quick recovery to recover files. If you do use immediate recovery, then you wouldnt need to use quick recovery since all your files would have already been recovered (through immediate recovery).
By the way, your answer that it isn't there is reassuring. I thought I must be going blind.
Ha, no problem.
I vote for having another choice in the box, we'll call it "Rapid Recovery." Any more suggestions?
What would it do?:shock:
The "Quick Recovery Tool" is always 'on' by default, isn't it?
So one doesn't have to worry about it being 'on' or 'off.' Is that right?
Well, its not really "on" it just checks for files to recover when you delete your sandbox, but if you have immediate recovery on, then even though quick recovery would check for files when you delete the sandbox, it wouldnt find anything (since everything would already be recovered) so the quick recovery box wouldnt come up.