Office 2016 - Outlook 2016 is not supported in Sandboxie at this time ... #Microsoft Office & Office 365eternalbeta wrote:For your information, forcing Outlook 2016 to run in the sandbox (v.5.07.6) under Win10 64bit, unfortunately resulted in the following errors:
SBIE2303 Could not hook WSANSPIoctl (888)
SBIE2318 DLL initialization failed for 'ws2_32.dll'
SBIE2303 Could not hook NetUseAdd (999)
SBIE2318 DLL initialization failed for 'wkscli.dll'
SBIE2303 Could not hook SxsInstallW (999)
SBIE2318 DLL initialization failed for 'sxs.dll'
SBIE2303 Could not hook IcmpCreateFile (999)
SBIE2318 DLL initialization failed for 'iphlpapi.dll'
SBIE2303 Could not hook NsiRpcRegisterChangeNotification (999)
SBIE2318 DLL initialization failed for 'winnsi.dll'
The 999/888 errors have been addressed in 5.07.8, You would need to remove Outlook 2016 (SBIE should have flagged it under compatibility..)