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FPS drops, entire system freezing

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:16 pm
by tcmnx
I'm using a license'd version of sandboxie to load 4 instances of the game Diablo II. Last night I began doing so, and it worked smoothly. Today it will not run smoothly no matter what settings I use, restarting pc and so-forth.

My rig is an i7 w/ a 1060 w/ 8gb and 16gb ram

It should not be doing this, so i'm certain that there is some error or setting within sandboxie that I am unaware of.

I would greatly appreciate any help in fixing this issue.


Re: FPS drops, entire system freezing

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:00 pm
by Barb@Invincea
Hello tcmnx,

Does it work fine outside Sandboxie?
Please try creating new Sandboxes with default settings and see if the issue follows you there.

Are you video drivers up-to-date? Has anything changed since the last time the programs were working? Any updates on their end?
Any Antivirus software updates?

Please provide the required info to see if there's anything that stands out:


Re: FPS drops, entire system freezing

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:23 pm
by tcmnx
The program runs fine outside of sandboxie, and even with 1-2 instances(in 2 different boxes) but when I load a fourth and so on, it crippled my system.

I’m using windows 10 with the rig specified above. I do not use any antivirus other than windows defender and their firewall. I have few programs on my pc and don’t download random stuff.

Today I ran four and it seemed to work without FPS dropping. However it seems to come and go. I have delete the content of the sandboxes and remade them etc. I have ran the game in all the different settings(compatibility settings).

I checked and all of the instances are running on my GPU as they should. I really just don’t understand haha.

I set the exact same setup, up, for my buddy. He has absolutely no issues and he uses a slower laptop. I bought him a license for sandboxie and set it up identically. I’m really at a loss as to why it’s crippling my PC.

------------MERGED POST-------------------
I am running the newest Sandbox version, and I have tried reverting to 5.20 but the issue persisted. Again, no software changes within the game, nor any updates or firewall/virus changes. Windows 10 64 bit

Re: FPS drops, entire system freezing

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:31 pm
by Barb@Invincea
Hello tcmnx,

Considering that the issue started overnight and nothing has changed in Sbie since then, you need to look at your system for any changes: driver updates, windows updates, anything new.
Also, ensure that the game is not trying to update while running Sandboxed as that can cause issues.

If you run 1 instance only, do you experience problems ?
