Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:19 am
I run chrome browser sandboxed to access torrent sites then run utorrent sandboxed but the folder to which the dowload goes to called sandboxie in drive c isn't sandboxed it seems ie chrome has yellow border and utorrent also does but the destination of downloads folder doesn't have the yellow border - my concern is if a download is contaminated and goes to c: sandboxie can the contaminated enter folder/files of the c drive - i expected the destination folder to be sandboxed but it doesn't appear to be - i know i can open the folderby right clicking and choosing to open sandboxed but this doesn't prevent in my understanding downloads possibly contaminated can effuse contamination out from that folder which i wouldn't be able to do if it were yellow bordered sandboxed - please excuse my verbosity but i am trying to fully understand how sandboxie works this mentioned issue - please advise if you understand my question and have consideration thereon