More convenient way to run Mail client in sandbox

Ideas for enhancements to the software
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More convenient way to run Mail client in sandbox

Post by Unknown_User_627 » Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:41 pm

I send emails and receive emails daily that must be saved for weeks. Some days hundreds of emails. I also have at least one MS WORD or PDF file emailed to me daily that I must save.

This makes it less convenient to run Outlook Express in the sandbox as I send and receive important info daily that must be saved.

Having a convenient way to easily save these important emails and documents would make it much more convenient to run the mail client in the sandbox.

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Post by tzuk » Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:19 am

I agree that there is room for improvement in the whole "recovering" aspect.

In the meantime, you can "exclude" sandboxing for the folder where you typically save these documents.

You would do this by manually editing Sandboxie.ini and adding:
(There is an option to Edit Configuration from the Configuration menu in Sandboxie Control)


Then reload configuration, from the same menu mentioned.

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