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Sandboxes in Sandboxes

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:12 pm
by JoeHood
I have had absolutely zero problems running Chrome 64 portable, also no problems with E10S in 64 Nightly portable, completely installed in a sandbox. IMO many of the compatibility issues with these programs is that they are installed out of the sandbox in the real system. The only issue is that you can't delete that sandbox.

But that issue is solved by setting up that sandbox in a SoftPerfect drive image and having it boot on startup. After you have all of the browser settings the way you want and all of your favorites the way you want. True, if you want to change a favorite or add one you will need to reimage, but my favorites do not change that much.

So Sandboxie lets nothing bad come into the real system, and SoftPerfect (after a reboot) lets nothing bad into the sandbox.


Re: Sandboxes in Sandboxes

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:20 pm
by JoeHood
Also since it is all in RAM, it seems faster and smoother. And wiping your tracks is no longer necessary.