Interesting to hear pastuch, but cool.
Sorry I didn't report my feedback sooner -- I was evaluating over 24 hours ago, and didn't have time to reply then...
Well tzuk, THESE changes are pretty remarkable! Another: Wow!

Obviously a HUGE
THANK YOU for sticking with it, finding stuff to tweak, and also your patience with me, haha.
Amazed that you were able to pull this off in, what, a couple hours the other day after I gave the Work Offline example! It's really puzzling WHAT exactly you changed: I don't see much improvement with my synthetic GUI Bench Create time (but doesn't matter if it doesn't reflect what I'm seeing/feeling

), a minor-to-moderate IE window opening slowdown (OK/expected) with more windows open, but YET, not much slowdown with IE
launch times even with MANY windows open. Just reporting how each thing changed differently (strange), not a problem.
FYI: NOW, stuff starts out just about as fast as OpenWinClass=
# (I can't really see a difference at all). Of course the small degradation (much less than before) doesn't keep things as fast as Open=# that I was asking about.
On main XP system, all with my "usual active" stuff open: IE
launch before ANY changes (4.05.03) was ~1s, first change dropped to 0.88 (these would both degrade remember), and now it's down to 0.7. Even adding 20+ IE windows to what's already open, it only increases to 0.76-0.8.

The launch improvement FEELS better than the times, it seems.
I have to add 20-24 IE windows before the "window opening" slows down to what it was in 4.05.04. Even with 30 more open (couldn't open any more!), it's only a hair slower than what it was without the 30 extra in 4.05.04.
With 20 extra open (I'd never have anything like that), there's about a 5s Work Offline delay now (instead of 16, probably 2-3 if UNsandboxed), but otherwise new windows opening, etc. feels pretty good and about what I'd expect.
Same on laptop: Have to open 10 IE windows to see IE "window opening" time like 1 window with 4.05.04. 20 windows to see time like 4.05.03.
32-bit IE 8 on 64-bit Win 7 looks like the same pattern. Hadn't checked it much lately, and the absolute times don't vary as much with nothing on the system or running, but the relative improvements look expected.
A question about the 0.2s+ difference I see between OpenWinClass of * and # (and defaults now, initially) when launching IE or Firefox, or IE window opening. Obviously the Job adds some access overhead we talked about IN sandbox (250k+ accesses for 0.2s), and more for GuiProxy when needed. Like I said after 4.05.04, I [still] see a CPU spike in both SbieSvc processes. Normal?
Did you check to make SURE there's not
other operations still unnecessarily going through GuiProxy like e.g. CreateWindow calls before?? Just so we aren't accidentally losing some easy time there.