Sorry if you couldn't notice a half-second difference.

Maybe I couldn't feel 0.2s difference if it's a small percentage, but when it's double (like < 0.2 unsandboxed to 0.4 with 3.76), that's easily noticeable to me. But I could live with that for Sandboxie's benefits!

(Maybe because I don't want to run anything on my systems to slow anything down, so I'm used to fast. Also why I didn't want to run any other security software that affects the system -- Sandboxie is great because zero effect on anything else!

Also, I'm not hung up on the numbers at all.

I can easily describe the differences I feel/notice, and I did in the original slowness topic (thanks again for the other GUI optimization change!). It's just that I/we have to bring out some numbers for objective proof, etc... And again, I'm not trying to waste your time right now when you're trying to fix functionality stuff for release

, but I would still like it if we/you can figure out why I'm seeing these differences sometime.
BTW, did you try Open=$:explorer.exe to see how that compares for you? Also, are you sure you're using the same version us users download?
If I'm understanding you right, a global Open=* should be the
slowest, is that correct? And it seems the same can be said for
prefix program with
prefix,* if your equal results are what you'd expect. Well, if nothing should be slower than *, that would be GREAT!!

Can we figure out the reason why for me, in every case, * with/without prefix are opposite extremes? (Really, any of these differences seem relatively massive for changing such a setting:
more of a difference from one thing than the entire sandboxing process as a whole?)
After your reply yesterday, wondering if this was just an XP thing, and I could possibly use 3.76 if there aren't issues for XP's last year (but I really want to stay on the latest anyway

), I decided to finally check Windows 7. And... no matter the system, the results are always the same! So it seems like anyone else should be able to reproduce my results -- so I wonder how your system is different?!
First, 32-bit 7 SP1 in VirtualBox. I'm using Aero with the VBox driver, which might be the cause of slowness overall, but whatever it is, it sure magnifies the differences!
Forced IE 8 with one already running:
3.3 - Default settings
8.5 - Open=$:explorer.exe
11.1 - Open=iexplore.exe,* (How can prefix add > 8s?!)
2.4 - Open=*
1.25 - UNsandboxed
Then on 64-bit 7 SP1 (no updates) other real system, with 32-bit IE 8:
1.48 - Default settings
2.65 - Open=$:explorer.exe
3.22 - Open=iexplore.exe,*
1.37 - Open=*
0.51 - UNsandboxed
1.12 - SBIE 3.76 (1.04 with Open=*)
So that's why I wonder if you have a special build

, different/special hardware/software...? 3 different systems, plus VirtualBox, different Windows versions, default installs with nothing else really, and the results are always definitive!
Again, the most obvious thing to figure out is why the presence of a prefix, or not, gives opposing times for me but not you...