Well thanks for being nice.

And thanks for listening to my "annoyances," and your time, etc.!
This is disappointing (a shame) and makes me wish I would have told you this new-found stuff FIRST... I just kept saying "CreateWindow," and you eventually found the GuiProxy-when-it-shouldn't thing, when I didn't realize all this other extra stuff was happening too.

(That's hundreds or thousands of other extra function calls and
messages to other windows PER CreateWindow, for NO reason that you've stated. I don't see how you can be happy with that... Seems sloppy to me doing unnecessary/inefficient stuff.)
Surely you must wonder a bit to check what I talked about? *shrug* You were so quick to explain/blame about Job/Windows stuff, but don't say anything about the big slowdown
Sandboxie makes (like before).
FYI: I've never ran PowerArchiver sandboxed (other than if it happens to open a browser download, etc.), sorry.

That was just an example since it has so many CreateWindow calls...
Yeah, risk and urging changes... If you consider my "solution" (please, just skip all those useless operations!

), I'd think the GuiProxy change you made was more of a risk. And THAT was almost meaningless I'm telling you with my usual stuff running.
See what I'm saying? Yep, I see what you're sayin' too.

That's what EVERY change is. That's what the betas are for... So wait till the NEXT beta cycle?
2 quick examples of how your change is MORE "meaningless" with my usual few windows open than what I'm asking (urging, really!

) you to change...
Using PowerArchiver Configuration example again: I said your change reduced it from just over
3, to just over
2. Eliminate the wasteful operations I'm talking about, the time will be <
1s. (It's already there when running in its own box, which would improve a BIT more, and NOT degrade with other windows.) See? You saved 1 second, what I'm asking is to save MORE than a second on TOP of your change.
The IE window open time: Your change saved 1/8 sec (exactly as I estimated) with my "usual windows" open. What I'm asking you to change should save at LEAST another 1/4, and it won't degrade. Again, that's not meaningless compared to your change.
Please, before continuing to think it's meaningless, just try GUI Bench or PowerArchiver with OpenWinClass=*. Of course that removes the Job now, but you can see that 4.02 with Job performs just as well. Everything works, like I said, right? Just skip everything except class-prefixing.
That absolutely destroys your change. There couldn't be a LESS meaningless difference. It makes all the difference in the world!
I PROMISE there's no other single thing that makes such a drastic difference. Why, oh why didn't I catch this earlier...